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July Investment Report 2023

In this executive overview of biotech financing, we breakdown the total investment within the industry for the month of July 2023.

Executive Overview

In July a total of $ 3,724,800,174 in the US was raised of which $1.35bn was within the Oncology sector. EU6 saw $  334,000,000 raised of which $79,000,000 went to the Oncology sector. In total 169 biotechs were involved in financial movements of which 38 oncology. Congratulations to Crossbow, Tenpoint Tx, Immatics and EG427 for notable Series A or partnership funding.

Within the report: Page 3-6 Executive Summary, Page 7 Acquisitions Report, East Coast Investments (Page 9-13), Central US Investments (Page 14-16), West Coast Investments (Page 17-20), European Investments (pg. 21-24), Data use and sources (pg,25,26).

For a further breakdown of all companies, regions, types of funding - please email us and we will send you privately your direct copy for free.

About the information

Disease Area: We examined the total investment across all disease areas and then focus down on cancer specifically.

Location: Within cancer research this is further split between, East US, Central US, West US and the EU top 5 + Switzerland (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain and Switzerland). Therefore all data is only US and Big EU 5 + CH focused (for simplicity, shortened to EU6).

Types of investment: For simplicity we have included all types of money exchange. This includes: Classical fund raising (Seed – Series G+), Grants, IPO pre and post equity, debt refinancing and acquisitions.

Data Sources: The data comes from various sources, referenced at the end, and then cross-checkedby Discera for their relevancy. Allinformation here is public. As such, if you want to share this with others then please do. The dates for this report are the 21stJune to July 31st.

Receive your free copy:

To receive the PDF breakdown of every oncology company, location, descriptions and more - please email me and I will send this to you privately.


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